Sunday, September 2, 2012

HI and an Awesome doll craft

Hi! My name is Emmy! Here you will find cute crafts to make for your American Girl dolls!

 With tape
Cute Craft for dolls!

Mini cups 2 per drink (make sure ther'ye cuttable)
Pom poms or cotton balls (if you use cotton balls you need 5-6)
Tape or glue
Scissors and
Water or bubbles

take one cup and fill 3/4 of the way with water or bubbles. Then, stuff the pom pom or cotton balls in.

Third (with glue)
Next, cut the other cup a little more than half of the way (tword the part with the rim.). Take the top part (the part with the rim) and tape or glue onto the top of the cup with the pom pom or cotton balls in it. And your dolls have a yummy milkshake or slushie!